FSM Massage & Cortical Field Re-Education (CFR)
Susan Joulett, FSM Massage Therapist
Background: Susan has over 30 years of expertise in massage, energy work, kinesiology, and fascia release techniques like myofascial release and craniosacral therapy. Extensively trained in Cortical Field Re-Education (CFR).
Approach: CFR gently explores new movement patterns that re-educate the brain, resolving chronic issues at the source rather than just symptoms.
The Experience:
- Table work passively moves the client to re-pattern the sensory cortex
- Floor work engages the motor cortex through guided movements
- Combining both retrains full brain-body connectivity
During your massage session, Susan will utilize one or more Frequency Specific Microcurrent devices to deliver resonate microcurrent frequencies directly to targeted areas of the body being massaged. This allows the FSM to penetrate deeper into the soft tissues.
Potential Benefits:
Book Now: 971-376-4100
? – Different from massage as it re-educates the brain’s movement control
? – Wear loose, flexible clothing
? – The number of sessions varies based on individual condition
? -= No stretching/exercise after to reinforce new patterns
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